- Melissa Marr's New York Times bestselling Wicked Lovely series continues with the fourth - and penultimate - installment in the darkly seductive story about the collision of the mortal and faery worlds...The events of FRAGILE ETERNITY have left the faery world off-balance, its key players fighting to maintain control over their world - and its secrets...Devlin lives in a world where everything is beautiful, ordered... and cruel. As a prominent member of the High Court and half-brother to Sorcha, the High Queen, he's one of the most powerful faeries of the old guard.Ani lives in a world where every line is blurred. Half human, half faery, half in the dedadence of the Dark Court and half out of it, her life of dive bars, tattoos and street fights couldn't be farther from the clean lines of the High Court.But you can't choose where your heart will take you, and when Devlin and Ani meet, two extremes of the faery world collide - with passion, violence and heat; for better - and for worse...
- Imported from USA
- Pre-owned and pre-used
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