- "Hailed by her peers as promising (David Coe), talented (Kristin Britain), and masterful (Carol Berg), Diana Pharaoh Francis crafted a unique magical world and one of fantasy s most intriguing heroines in Path of Fate and Path of Honor. Now Reisil must fulfill her destiny as the fates of two worlds rest in her hands...."Chaos reigns in the realm of Kodu Riik. Plague continues to ravage its populace. Armies of the power-hungry Aare are on the march, slaughtering everything in their path to place a madman on the throne. And the rift between the kingdom and the land of Cemanahuatl yawns ever wider, threatening to consume both beneath waves of uncontrollable magic and destroy every living soul within them.Only Reisil possesses enough power to breach the spellbound city of Mysane Kosk and seal the fracture. Accompanied by her goshawk, Saljane, and her lover, Yohuac, Reisil must journey across a land besieged by war and fight for a domain torn asunder by sorceries beyond imagining.... "
- Imported from USA
- Pre-owned and pre-used
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