- Massie Block: Stands at the threshold of the most ah-mazing secret room at OCD. But to prove the Pretty Committee is worthy of the honor, the girls need dates to Skye Hamilton's "famous couples" costume party. On top of all that, Massie has to convince her old crush, Chris Abeley, to be Skye's date . . . or else they can kiss the room-and their popularity-goodbye. How will she ever get her girls suitable dates and melt Chris's heart? She'd need to be a mind reader! Luckily for the PC, alpha status just happens to come with ESP . . . not the actual superpower, but a secret weapon that shows them exactly how boy brains work. Kristen Gregory: Loves supersensitive guys, and thanks to ESP, has her eye on a boy who loves The Notebook as much as she does. So why on earth is she going to Skye's party as the Bride of Chucky? Alicia Rivera: Diss-missed her crush, Josh Hotz, for having a bizarrely clean room. Then ESP tells her Josh's sister is actually the neat freak, and suddenly hawt Hotz looks hawter than ever. Dylan Marvil: When ESP clues her in to the fact that guys-plural- like a girl who's not afraid to eat, it's all mozzarella sticks for this former Jenny Craig groupie. Will gaining six pounds make her regret trusting her sixth sense? Claire Lyons: As the only Pretty Committee girl with a real boyfriend, the date-mission should be a breeze. But when her newfound Claire-voyance tells her Cam's hiding a huh-yuge secret from her, his gifts of gummies leave a stale taste in her mouth. ESP? Extra Sucky Problem is more like it. The Clique...The only thing harder than getting in is staying in
- Imported from USA
- Pre-owned and pre-used
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