- Encryption technology keeps the codes for the world's security and communication systems top secret. Deregulating this state-of-the-art technology for export could put a back-door key in the pockets of spies and terrorists around the world. So when American businessman Roger Gordian refuses to put his sophisticated encryption program on the market, he finds his company the object of a corporate takeover--and to say it's hostile doesn't even come close.Only Gordian stands between the nation's military software and political extremists who want to put the leadership of the free world out of business--for good...
- 100% Authentic
- Imported from USA
- Pre-owned and pre-used
Facing size issues? Don't like the product? Wrong or defective product delivered?
Don't worry! Khazanay offers a 7-day hassle-free return policy. To qualify for a return or exchange, all items must be unworn, unused, and with product tag attached.
Download Return Form
If you wish to return or exchange your online order, please complete the return form and include it with your return shipment. Don't have a return form? Download from the link below and print it.
Once we receive the product back as a return, we'll provide you with the full amount or a coupon code with 10% extra.
For further assistance, please email us at cs@khazanay.com or call us at 03111-222-393 (between 10AM to 9PM Monday - Saturday)
Note: Please be advised that this policy is not applicable to brand new shoes. For brand new shoes, we cater to size issues only.
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N/A |
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Used |